Creation of an enterprise for processing solid construction waste into new building materials

10 June 14:00


Problem: In the context of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the Zaporozhye region is faced with unprecedented challenges and tragedies. The region is subject to more than 450 bombings daily, resulting in the destruction and destruction of infrastructure and homes. Latest estimates show that more than 14 thousand buildings have already been damaged. This led to huge volumes of construction waste.

Project goal:  Creation of a plant for processing construction waste in the Zaporozhye region, no further than 50 kilometers from areas with a high level of destruction. This will not only reduce the environmental footprint and logistics costs associated with waste removal and recycling, but will also ensure that resources are used quickly and efficiently for the recovery and development of the region.


✅Recycling of construction waste

✅Production of necessary building materials

✅Creation of jobs


➡️ Financial: funds for the purchase, installation and maintenance of necessary equipment, construction of an enterprise and acquisition of equipment for delivering waste for processing

➡️ Technical: development of design and estimate documentation, provision of special machinery and equipment for the construction of the enterprise

➡️ Logistics: delivery of necessary equipment and machinery to the construction site. Delivery of construction waste to the enterprise

Total project cost: 15 million euros.